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Biped rig with IK/FK chain in arms and legs.
Inverse spine control, head global control, feet multiple funcional attributes, finger attributes and more...
Med-advanced facial rig with facial box.
Eyelid and lip ribbon based setup. Eyes, jaw, eyebrow, check, frown and smile bulges, nose, nostril and tongue controls.
Facial box with visibility attributes. It moves different areas of the face moving different controls at same time allowing animator to create faster expressions.
It is based in "Set Driven Key" setup.
Those cartoony style characters were made for a Poland animation shorts.
The main characters had more advanced rig than secondary characters
All rigs had IK/FK switch on limbs with their corresponding arm, hand, leg and feet attributes, and a basic face rig to move eyes, eyelid, eyebrows and mouth.
Instead, the main characters had the same body rig but with more advanced facial rig. With a ribbon system on the eyelids and lips and controllers all over the face in order to obtain greater realism and movement in their animations, since in some animation sequences they appear closer
I was the responsible for rigging the main characters and lead the rig team
Here I share two shorts:
Some of my rigged characters
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